Artists have an innate ability to evolve and explore various mediums throughout their creative journeys. Having gained recognition for his sculpture Barry Mason has now embarked on a new path, embracing the world of titanium gong making.
Barry’s sculptures, made from various materials such as wood, metal, and stone, are placed in public and private collections around the world. His dedication to his craft and willingness to push boundaries has led him down an unexpected path—the world of sound therapy and gong making.
Barry’s curiosity was sparked when he heard a titanium gong made by master silversmith Martin Blasé. Mesmerised by the gong's deep, sonorous beauty he immediately ordered a sheet of titanium and began his ad venture in gong making.
With the unwavering passion he brings to all his work Barry immersed himself in the realm of gong making.
Having witnessed this evolution I wanted to record Barry’s work and asked friend Kim McCroddan of Two Dogs TV to craft a short film where Barry talks about his inspiration and the process of gong making. You can view it here